Express Webinar: Career Development: Replay

Express Webinar: Career Development: Replay

This event is no longer active.

This program originally aired on April 14, 2021 and is now available for replay!

Express Webinar: Career Development

Cira Espinosa Feliz

Coordinator of Career Planning and Placement
Mount Wachusett Community College

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Topics to be discussed:

-Find one mentor or multiple
-Acquire skills that are needed not only for your field, but that can be used across fields
-Evolve with your field
-Learn how to compete with those who are entering the field with upgraded skills 
-Take a course in communications, public speaking or marketing
-Be open to constructive criticism
-Try a new way 
-Know when to seek help

presented by

Michelle Haggstrom from Keller Williams
Nancy Betiana 
De La Rosa from Primerica